Company Profile

Aptus Finance has been promoted with the primary purpose of meeting the financing requirements of small business entrepreneurs. This is an organisation run by professionals with vast experience in the financial services industry. Aptus Finance aims to make the availability of finance easy to this segment of small business entrepreneurs which has remained largely underserved/unserved despite several initiatives.
This segment is vastly heterogeneous and the entrepreneurs in this segment are engaged in retail businesses which include catering, grocery shops, pharmacies, tailors, bakery, etc. They normally do business in cash and hence do not have proper records to prove their incomes. This makes credit assessment of these entrepreneurs a challenging task.
Aptus Finance with a specific focus on this segment, has developed a unique credit evaluation model covering various profiles which includes income assessment based on the respective business model, expenses and lifestyle correlation, savings habit and asset creation tendencies, family background, etc. This we feel will help in assessing the customer correctly and financing their requirements.